Thursday, December 17, 2009

School Holidays is almost over...

This year-end's holidays is indeed very challenging, for me, of course. When you'd rather stay at home, you'd end up doing some unnecessary chores, dealt with some important matters to others-which aren't that important to you- thus, created a lot of fuss and yet unhealthy emotional rage(sleepless nites, loss of appetite, decrease of weight,grumpiness..etc)

And sometimes how you hope (and prayed a lot) for a break-a decent movie, some games to play, a walk to the beach at sunset, a short holiday away from home-but in reality it doesn't really happen most of the time.

Kids, brace urself for some workload prepared by me during this wrecthed holidays of mine, not made to torture u guys but just to help u to get through tough times when i'm on my maternity leave in April..I'll be off to my Disneyland with my bundle of joy..and will be back with loads of new and fresh ideas for teaching.

Movie of the week- The Blind Side- Starring Sandra Bullock-an ex-Ole Miss cheerleader who leads a very nice life with her beloved husband, an ex-basketball player and her two kids, Collins who plays volleyball and some cheerleading and Shawn Jr, a young boy who loved all the attention he can get.

It is based on a real story that revolves around Michael Oher,a.k.a Big Mike, who was homeless and had no one who cared for him. Sandra@Lee Ann found him wandering alone on a cold and freezing nite, he was wearing shorts and tee. The whole family took him home and treated him as theirs too.

As time passes, Sandra took into a lot of interest in Oher's study, she even employed a private tutor just to make sure that Oher gets what he deserved-a proper education. FYI, Oher has never been to school, he doesn't know how to read and write but has a very good memory when he listens well in his classes. From F, Oher now managed to score Bs and Cs!

Besides studying, they encouraged Oher to take up sports, Football, as he was way too big for a kid his age.*that's why they called him Big Mike*..he learns from scratch about the game and with Sandra's help, he pushes his way through as a successful player.

The ending-it's kinda teary...Why i chose this movie, i saw it was on the 1st spot in the list of the review, and i immediately looked for it at my friend's DVD shop. It was worth all my ringgits and Kokokrunch*a healthy snack too* and the tears...

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Ambition Has No Limits (Quoted from Adidas)

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Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Passionate about almost everything in this whole wide world. Sensitive but hopefully not a brat..Have faith in whatever you're long as it doesn't go against the Law of Nature and your religious beliefs..