Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Fastest Man with The Best Odd GIft...

Usain Bolt was honored by the city of Berlin by receiving an original segment of the Berlin Wall—nearly three tons of it.
The Jamaican sprinter, who broke world records in winning gold medals in the 100 and 200 meters, was presented with the piece of wall at a small ceremony Sunday, the final day of the world championships.
The 12-foot high section will be delivered to Bolt’s training camp in Jamaica.
The piece of the wall, which divided communist East Berlin from West Berlin between 1961 and 1989, is decorated with a life-size painting of Bolt running on the blue track of the Olympic stadium and the words “NEW WR”—new world record. Bolt set a world record in the 100 at 9.58 seconds and 19.19 in the 200.-Yahoo Sports..

Heh..If you were the fastest man on earth, i'm sure you'll be showered with lots of gifts and honoured by almost all human beings on earth.

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Ambition Has No Limits (Quoted from Adidas)

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Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Passionate about almost everything in this whole wide world. Sensitive but hopefully not a brat..Have faith in whatever you're long as it doesn't go against the Law of Nature and your religious beliefs..