Monday, July 28, 2008

MERDEKA EDITION: Bunga Raya@Hibiscus

Originating in Asia and the Pacific islands, Hibiscus rosa-sinesis is the national flower of Malaysia. It is closely associated with Hawaii, however the state flower for Hawaii is a native species of hibiscus, H. Brackenridgei.

Thousands of colors and combinations of colors (no true blue or black), some varieties have blossoms 2" in diameter and others, 10-12". Some with bushes that will only grow a foot in several years while others may grow to 15 feet if left undisturbed in the ground. Singles, doubles, some blooming almost every day, the variation in the tropical hibiscus family is astounding!



Tahun ini, bunga raya telah dipilih bagi memperingati Hari Pahlawan sempena Kempen Hari Pahlawan. Bunga raya dipilih kerana ia melambangkan sifat keberanian dan keikhlasan anggota tentera yang rela berkorban demi mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.

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Ambition Has No Limits (Quoted from Adidas)

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Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Passionate about almost everything in this whole wide world. Sensitive but hopefully not a brat..Have faith in whatever you're long as it doesn't go against the Law of Nature and your religious beliefs..